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Replica is the second required boss, possessing ERI.


ERI begins to walk towards the platform Sen landed on after their fight with Sin and ERI's subsequent laser blast. Said platform begins floating as ERI approaches while V and Sen talk, with V stating that they will only provide occasional support when needed, and Sen stating that "This fight... it's personal". The platform Sen was on explodes, dropping Sen down to the main boss arena, which has begun floating. The demo's final battle finally begins.


Sweep A
  • Description: ERI sweeps their fist across the arena and follows up with a second sweep afterwards.
  • Can be parried
  • Followed up by a Slash from Replica
Sweep B
  • Description: ERI sweeps their fist across the arena with a red forcefield surrounding it
  • Can not be parried
  • Attack is not used in second steam demo
  • Description: Replica sweeps their sword across the arena
  • Can be parried
  • Followed up by a Laser Sweep from ERI
  • Description: Replica stabs the arena with their sword
  • Now's your chance - strike!
  • Attack is not used in second steam demo
Laser Sweep
  • Description: ERI fires a laser, sweeping it across the arena. Will occasionally follow it up with a second Laser Sweep from the opposite side
  • Attack is only used in the second steam demo
Sword Combo
  • Description: If caught in a "levitation circle", Sen will be launched into the air. While airborne, Replica will do 3 spinning sword attacks before Sen returns to the arena.
  • All 3 of the sword attacks are parryable
  • Attack is only used in the second steam demo


ERI catches Sen in its tractor beam, lifting them up, before striking Sen, sending Sen flying into the air. A mysterious entity (likely different than the one that communicated with Sin) then begins communicating with Sen, stating that they did not make a compromise with "that thing" and for Sen to "crawl out and die". This entity is possibly affiliated with V since V was tasked with escorting Sen. The entity says "You will serve your purpose". Sen's safemode restrictions are disabled, and a choice must be made between which demo ending will be chosen.

Tips, Tricks, and Trivia

  • Within the second steam demo, parrying is the only reliable way of dealing damage to Replica, as they are almost always out of range of melee attacks. For extra chip damage, Drone Modules should be used. The Drill-Rail combo can be used to deal quick burst damage.
  • Replica's halo says "I WILL PROTECT YOU".