Udex Duty

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A blade made by Udex that never breaks or loses its edge, made from the spine of an apex stampede, in the heat of battle it sprouts into thousands of blades dealing incredible damage, however it is hard to control the weapon at full bloom even for S units.


Partial Bloom

  • Hold [Attack] until lighting surrounds Sen, then release to quickly spin, hitting enemies all around you before slamming Duty into the ground, dealing immense damage to enemies in front of you in a massive area.

Sprout Combo

  • Repeatedly hit [Attack] to attack the enemy four times. The first two attacks will be normal slashes. The third and fourth are thrusts that will cause the blade to sprout into numerous spines; the final thrust will knock the enemy into the air.

Air Slashes

  • Repeatedly hit [Attack] midair for a chain of fast dash slashes.

Extended Moveset

Enemy Skateboard

  • Hold [Attack], jump, and continue holding attack. Doing so will cause Sen to dash toward the enemy and begin using them as a skateboard if they are a valid enemy type (most monos, except those spawned in the Dream). Notably, Sen will still dash forward regardless of whether there is a valid enemy nearby. It is worth noting that this move was not intended to be used in this build of the game.
  • If an enemy is midair while you attempt to ride it, you and the enemy will both be launched into the air. The height of this jump appears to be vaguely proportional to the original height difference between Sen and the enemy. It is also worth noting that the enemy has to touch the ground before it can be mounted again, likely to prevent infinite flight.

Partial Bloom: Air Style

  • Timing your Partial Bloom correctly with a jump will allow you to use it midair. This is done by jumping right as you release the [Attack] button. (Please note that this maneuver is frame-perfect) Jumping while the Drill Module is active following a Charged Slash or similar jump-cancelling move will allow you to use the entire move midair.