The Librarian

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The Librarian is an optional boss fight. It seems to be one of the massive figures that are in the Babel Replica, but has fallen off of its rotating platform.


The Librarian will be laying inertly on the floor within the Babel Replica. However, once Sen touches the floor, it will awaken and the fight will begin.


Blast of Light
  • Description: The Librarian summons their spears, crossing them and creating an enormous circle and blast of light.
  • Can not be parried
  • Has the potential to hit Sen multiple times
Sweeping Attacks
  • Description: The Librarian uses their spears, sweeping them across the arena a number of times.
  • Can be parried
  • The Librarian will be staggered after being parried 4 times, even if the parries were from different attack sets.
Light Orb Barrage
  • Description: The Librarian jumps backwards and summons 7 large light orbs, before rapidly sending them towards Sen.
  • Orbs can be parried
  • It is possible, but VERY difficult to parry all 7 orbs. Sliding is recommended.
Rotating Light Attack
  • Description: The Librarian jumps backwards, summons 4 larte light mosaics which fire large beams of light. These beams of light will rotate around the area 2 and a half times.
  • Can be parried
  • The "third" rotation usually doesn't have to be worried about because the attack usually stops before it connects. Still, play it safe.
  • You can jump over the light beams.


After defeatiing The Librarian, it will fall to the ground, and a collectible will appear in its hand. Picking it up without the Memento will simply give heads, while picking it up with the Memento will play a memory log.

███████> ....... Are you going to tell me what's happening?
███████> Your hands are shaking, you're in no state to play the piano
S-105> It's that ceremonial duel, they decided 104 is my opponent
S-105> I can't win against Sin.....
███████> You never struck me as someone who'd make a fuss about a title, why now?
S-105> we're allowed to kill each other at the duel
███████> ...... you don't think 104 would go that far?
S-105> .......................
███████> .........
███████> ..... FINE! give me your hands
S-105> huh? ███████> no piano lessons today, I'll share with you something....
███████> S̶̾e̷͙͂̚r̶̳͒ạ̵͈͘p̷̗̼͝ẖ̴͆̂ï̴͉̹̊c̴̬̋

Tips and Tricks

  • Use the drone modules in order to deal chip damage before staggering The Librarian through parries.
  • Because The Librarian is so large, there are few moments where melee damage can be inflicted, so make it count.