Railgun Module

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This module can be found after killing the Executor located on top of the tower.


This module fires a singular, powerful laser that does 150 damage to the enemy. Unlike the Gatling Gun Module, this module has a lengthy cooldown.

Known Tech/Synergies


  • Parrying the laser will result in the beam being split into up to 3 separate beams, each doing 360 damage. Each beam can target a separate enemy, making this tech useful for instantly clearing encounters. The beams also launch their respective enemies into the air, although it does not appear to stun them.
  • Shooting the railgun following a ground parry (ideally while the parry frames are still active) will cause Sen to levitate for a brief moment. This allows Sen to complete ground combos midair, which is incredibly useful and stylish.


  • Shooting the railgun while the drills are orbiting Sen will cause the laser to ricochet between the drills before homing in on the enemy. This is the most powerful single-damage attack in the game, dealing upwards of 4000 damage.