Frame Grappler

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Frame Grappler robots may seem friendly, but you best not come near them; They pack a punch and are quite tanky.


  • Description: Frame Grappler runs towards you and slams the ground, creating a shockwave
  • Parrying this attack is possible, but Sen must be in the immediate area where the Frame Grappler slams the ground.
  • Description: Frame Grappler runs towards you, opens their arms, and claps. This creates a large, spherical blast
  • Can be parried.

Tips and Tricks

  • Pay attention to where the Frame Grappler is, and what it appears to be doing. Parrying "Smash", while possible, is not recommended due to the strange nature of the Frame Grappler's parry hitbox.
  • The Frame Grappler, while tanky, can be disposed of quickly using efficient hit-and-run tactics.